Teaching and learning has changed and will continue to change, and it is therefore important that the spaces within which we learn change accordingly to represent different pedagogies. Creating a stimulating environment can be achieved through the effective use of design and colour, and forms an integral part of an environment conducive to learning, memory retention, and concentration.
Colour too plays a key role in creating an environment that fosters learning. In fact, according to Dr Robert Gerard, colour is a part of the electromagnetic spectrum which can effect neurological pathways in the brain, and a result can create a biochemical response. Therefore, using the right colour along with good placement choices can seriously affect the feelings, attention and behaviour of students when learning.
Neutral colours are recommended for walls, while a splash of colour can be added through furniture and joinery to what may be an otherwise dull classroom. Since colour is not used in large amounts on furniture, it does not have the same effect as bright colours on wall or furniture applications.
Decorative battens can provide a warm and rich textural appearance for a wide variety of panelling, ideal for wall and ceiling applications in with vertical or horizontal set outs. Prefinished decorative battens create strong directional lines adding a striking feature and depending on its application, can enable visibility for the safety of younger children. Spacing is the distance between each individual batten, and will not only affect the aesthetics but any ancillary function. Privacy improves as does acoustics and the control of sunlight. As the distance between battens increases, these abilities are reduced somewhat. However, visibility, that is being able to see through the series of battens is improved. In addition to boasting warm natural aesthetics, as we have discussed decorative battens can help with everything from privacy and acoustic protection to sun and light control.
Blending unique textures, tones and finishes to achieve a contemporary look when it comes to cabinetry and joinery is important to design as previously discussed, as it is to combining warm colours with cool accents, and matt surfaces with a glossy finish. This also includes lockers and benchtops which also need to hold up to heavy daily use.
Durability and low maintenance are considered together as a criterion for product selection in education. Polytec provides materials that perform under tough conditions and don’t contribute to the ongoing maintenance schedule of a building.