Waterless Australia

Two of the most important yet in most cases unforecastable utilities are electricity and water/sewer costs. These have risen quite dramatically from year to year in the past decade. In some cases, more than doubled in a year in some areas of the country. This inability to forecast costs warrants electricity and water budget line items to closely look at and tackle. In regards to a building’s indoor water use, the rest room is where water can be saved the most and easiest. By installing non-water, low water using toilets and waterless urinals, a restroom can save as much as 50% of the prior water use. Additionally, there are restricted flow faucets and where applicable low flow shower heads. Most of these are cost effective and simple retrofits. In regards to no-flush urinals, there are additional savings to be achieved through less inventory parts to keep, vandalism is reduced, less chemicals used for cleaning plus a more hygienic environment due to the urinal’s dryness.
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