Keeping the roof space, or attic void, vented allows the house to respond better to changes in ambient conditions.
And the best way to vent this area is with metal vents…perforated stainless steel eaves vents that are going to last as long as the house and not deteriorate as the plastic type do in becoming brittle when the plasticisers leach out.
The vents need to be easily removable, whether for cleaning, painting or just simple access.
Considering the time and expense one should always focus on the efficiency of the vent and not just the appearance
Condor manufacture a range of stainless steel eaves vents in various sizes
These simple dynamics change the livability and comfort levels in a house and their performance incurs no cost.
Eaves vents come in many different forms….the packaging may attract your attention but it’s the design function that provides efficiency of performance, not appearance or cost.
A vent may have aesthetic acceptability…..but it’s efficiency might only be a fraction of that, and you end up with a good looking a dust trap.
Standard Sizes in mm
……….450 x 550
………..500 x 150
……….300 x 300
……….300 x 150
……….300 x 100
Custom sizes also available.
Visit Condor Kinetic website for more information.