Oxtek Solutions X230 DENSI-PROOF REPELLER™

Typical applications: exposed concrete walls and floors, car parks, rooftops, breweries, wineries, restaurants, outdoor eating areas and walkways.


X230 DENSI-PROOF REPELLER™ is a single pack one application spray on system that deeply penetrates new or existing concrete, provides curing, permanent waterproofing and protection. The added X300 Repeller provides surface protection and ease of cleaning against oils, water-based stains, chemicals, body fluids, wine, grease and others.

  • Cures, densifies, hardens and waterproofs concrete.
  • Surface protection from contamination.
  • Hydrophobic beading effect (temporary)
  • Significant retardation of efflorescence.
  • Compatible with line marking paint and epoxies.
  • Applied to new and existing concrete substrates.
  • Environmentally friendly, HACCP Certified – low odour – low VOC.
  • Warranties of up to 15 years, supported by project specification and robust QC and QA procedures.

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Typical Applications

exposed concrete walls and floors, car parks, rooftops, breweries, wineries, restaurants, outdoor eating areas and walkways