To maximise energy efficiency the plan should be to reduce demand on non-renewable energy resources. Buildings should be designed, constructed, equipped and managed to optimise energy savings and comfort. A correctly orientated building can minimise expenditure for heating and cooling, which in effect may allow for the building itself to attain a comfortable environment for occupants with little additional costs. This is especially relevant with rising fuel bills and the increasing costs of electricity. An aged care facility can reduce its heating and cooling costs by 85%!
The emphasis on whole life costs has never been more important than today with the ever increasing demands of the construction industry. All materials should be capable of withstanding the rigors of the service regimes. Facility managers of aged care facilities require products which will perform throughout the life cycle which has been calculated for a building.
The Hawa Frontfold 20 is ideal for sliding and folding timber or aluminium shutters. Shutters can be installed for windows or balconies to optimise solar gain and minimise overheating in glazed areas, such as offices or flats. Additionally, the linear sliding motion of HAWA Frontslide 60 enables aluminium or timber screens to be moved in response the climatic conditions. Both Systems can be automated and connected to the building management system for complete and integrated control.
To reduce the visibility of sliding shutter hardware HAWA-Aperto 60/H: it provides flush coverage for large windows, and stacks away elegantly and simply. Stacked parallel to the building façade, wind cannot gain purchase. To economise on space, shutters can also be parked at 90° to the sliding axis, tucked away in a balcony corner for example. With its vast flexibility, HAWA Aperto 60/H is the ideal choice for custom plans and bespoke solutions. Just ask, and we will be happy to help your design take shape.